Despite the almost unimaginable, horrific terrorist bombings in New York City and Virginia and the downing of an airliner in Pennsylvania, we decided to go ahead with this long-planned live show of artists in the round, making it a respectful program that at times discussed the tragedy and grieving and hopefully contributed to the beginning stages of healing. These occasional sing-arounds are usually very joyous in nature, but this program was somber and my thanks to the performers for a professional and fitting effort.
  Lara Herscovitch, with a background as social worker, is a young singer-songwriter from Bridgeport who has released one album, Sin Tierra and has been gaining a following in Connecticut and the nearby environs.
Terence Martin, who teaches in a unique French/English school, is from Westchester County and has two albums to his credit, Division Street and Waterproof. He has found a host of awards for his songwriting and is a published poet as well.
 Dan Bonis is a multi-instrumentalist from Redding and is an accompanist with many artists including Terence.
Michael Benson is a percussionist from Connecticut and accompanied Lara.
Despite the somber backdrop, it was a wonderful night of live music.
Both Lara and Terence have several performances scheduled in Connecticut and New York in the coming months.
A bouquet once again to WSHU Chief Engineer Paul Litwinovich for mixing the sound.
Live From Studio A:
Terence: “Familiar Mysteries”
Lara: “In The Meantime”
Terence: “Thunder And Light”
Lara: “There”
Dan: “Patience And Hope”
CD: Terence, “Waterproof”
Lara: “Sin Tierra”
Terence: A brand new song
Dan: “Sunnyside Day”
Lara: “Home”
Terence: “Room To Spare”
Lara: “Lullabye”
We closed with an ensemble piece that included everyone present.
How To Reach Them:
Lara Herscovitch:
Terence Martin: